New releases
Sugar Pie Records and Waaghals have released a 7" re-release of Let Me Know/Shot of Shame out of Mauro's 2000 release 'Songs From a Bad Hat'. There's a Nijmegen edition (green) and a Antwerpen edition (red). Fun fact: Sugar pie records is a store in Antwerp run by Jan Wygers, who was the bands bass player at the time.
There is another 7" release (coming) out by the gentleman Maurits Pauwels, which is called 'In de straten van Berchem'. The song is about... the people of Berchem basically and is part of a project called 'Omgevingsgeluiden'. Side A is a 'regular' version (whatever is regular, right) and side B is a 'sterrenschip'-version. Think Starships We built this city. :-)
Both 7 inches are hopefully available in the bandcamp soonish!

Eternal Sunday Drive / Godmade Trouble
"Eternal Sunday Drive" is officially released on 10th September, but you can already pre-order at Jezus Factory or on Stahlmus. You have a choice of ltd gold or ltd white vinyl or cd.
The latest single from ESD, Godmade Trouble is now available too.

Eternal Sunday Drive
Mauro will be releasing "Eternal Sunday Drive" in September and will be doing a tour to celebrate!
The Silent Sky, the third track from the album was also released at the end of April, together with a video .
There will also be performances from Maurits Pauwels en de Benelux Calypsos, Smartschade and Delphine Lecompte over the summer so check the live section for more information.
Finally, De God van Ongeveer is a cd release by Jürgen Augusteyns, Joachim Badenhorst Eric Thielemans and Mauro Pawlowski. You can order it here .

Always Someone
Mauro will be releasing a new solo album in the Autumn entitled "Eternal Sunday Drive". As a taster, there will be a limited edition of 300 7" vinyl copies featuring "Always Someone" and "Spotlight" released on the 17th July. You can preorder at Jezus Factory or on the Unday records website.
There's also an official video to enjoy!

It may be quiet on the gig front for a while, but there are six new releases over on Mauro's bandcamp for your listening pleasure.
Support musicians and keep well everyone.
Faux Amis vol. 11
Faux Amis vol. 11 is a new split cassette release by Lärmschutz and Mauro. "Every month in 2019, Lärmschutz invites a fellow like-minded artist for a split release on Faux Amis records". This month is Mauro's turn. Check it out on Jezus Factory.

Mauro makes a guest appearance on Kloot Per W's USB release entitled DRILL. Check it out via Jezus Factory.
Mauro will also be performing with Kloot, Rudy Trouvé and Jan Hautekiet at Kloot and Rudy's "Vital Parts Expo" / Per W/Trouvé Cassette No 3 release party on 1st December.

Movies and Poems
Mauro has created the soundtrack for Eva Cools' debut movie 'Cleo'. The movie will premiere on Film Fest Gent. To celebrate Mauro's new appearance on Unday records' roster, they are releasing a 7" with the song 'Down From Nowhere' and 2 b-sides (all from the soundtrack). Preorder on the Unday records website and we will hopefully also have some copies for sale on the Bandcamp.
Mauro also provides vocals on a collection of poems (?) called '7 Moralistische Liederen' by Joris Van de Moortel. The record is out on vinyl on 150 copies and can be bought on his Bandcamp.

We Won't Lose Touch
Per W/Pawlowski have a new single out, "We Won't Lose Touch" with 7 different versions available on the Jezus Factory Bandcamp page. Check the Agenda for live dates coming up.

Maurits Pauwels en De Benelux Calypsos
A new release for the summmer holidays is in the form of Tien Toppers Uit Trinidad by Maurits Pauwels en De Benelux Calypsos. Think Calypso Flemish style!
A limited edition cassette will be released by Jezus Factory in collaboration with Stahlmus on 23rd August! Get hold of your copy at Jezus Factory.